تقرير في موقع أخبار السعيدة :
تقرير في موقع عدن الغد :
تقرير في موقع أخبار السعيدة باللغة الإنجليزية :
British Council & Ministry of Education, BEDP conducted " Trainer Development Course" program stage, 2 for 285 English Trainers Yemenwide.
1- Acram
Mothana Haider – BC & MOE trainer – Ibb
Abdul Hakim Abdullah Saeed - BC & MOE trainer – Taiz
IBB. Regarding TOT program, The British
Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, BEDP, conducted
"Trainer Development Course" Program , stage 2 for 285 Trainers of
English in most of Yemen's
governorates. Previously, 26 master trainers of English selected precisely from
all over Yemen already attended the cascading workshops stage 1 hold in Cairo
one month ago subsequently, those selected ones actually delivered this English
course for the 285 English trainers of governorates
who would be in charge of cascading 24 T.K.T essentials workshops, Module 1 and
some of Module 2 for two weeks later on for more than 9000 English teachers throughout Yemen.
similarly, the" Trainer
Development Course(T.D.C) program lasted for six days was inaugurated in the 24th
of November and concluded in the 29th of November. In other words,
it dealt with needs analysis, an introductory workshop, familiarization; issues
and challenges, making workshops effective, Micro-training, followed by such
demonstration of one English T.K.T essentials workshop either " lexis or
Grammar" cascaded by master trainers to the trainers of English as a model shedding light on the significance of
the communicative approach used collaboratively among them since it involved
all of them in pairs, groups and group discussions ensuring better engagement
and communicative practice effectively.
Moreover, the trainers divided into
four groups performed Micro-training sessions covering four units of T.K.T
essentials, and each group delivered one workshop at least for instance,
listening, writing, reading and phonology followed by such constructive
feedback praising and appreciating the positive points, highlighting ,to the
contrary ,the some aspects which needed
to be developed and promoted in order to achieve the objectives clearly and
successfully avoiding such obstacles or embarrassment during training the teachers
of all the governorates in the upcoming December.
Prior to ending up the program, the
trainers received a hard copy including the 24th T.K.T essentials
which they are going to cascade in the 3rd
stage for the teachers of English throughout Yemen being expected to be
conducted on the 8th of December and concluded on the 20th
of December. Eventually, the program ended up by handing over certificates for
all the trainers of English.
Undoubtedly, ,great efforts were
exerted for the program to be delivered successfully and effectively by the
Minister of Education, Dr. Abdulrazaq Alashwal, the Deputy Minister of Training
and Qualifying Sector, Mr. Abdullah lamlas, the Training and Qualifying
Department chairman, Dr. Mohammed Alnajashi, the Deputy Minister of Curriculum,
examinations, and Inspecting Mr. Ali Alhaimi. On the other hand, Mr. Fetwi yusief, the B.C Manager In Kuwait, Mr. General Manager of The B.C in Sana'a Mr.
Nawaf Shamsan, Project Manager, English Project Manager Raja Bazara'h, The
coordinator of the MOE and the B.C Mr. Najeeb Almaqrami and Project assistant Huda
It is worth-mentioning that those 26
master trainers of English sent their
appeals to the Minster of education, Dr. AlAshwal to take into his
account their status que with respect to issuing such a decision appointing
them as inspectors and trainers so they would be in such continuous training
and inspecting simultaneously and this issue would be so challenging that it is
considered a turning point in the vocational careers of those diligent and
outstanding master trainers of English who did their best reflecting their
experiences both in the field of training and inspecting.
برعاية وزارة التربية والتعليم(مشروع تطوير التعليم الأساسي
قطاع التدريب والتأهيل) والمجلس الثقافي البريطاني اختتام البرنامج التدريبي
لتطوير مهارات مدربي اللغة الإنجليزية في الجمهورية اليمنية: المرحلة الثالثة.
الأستاذ: أكرم مثنى حيدر – مدرب لغة انجليزية إب ( قطاع التدريب – المجلس البريطاني ) .
الأستاذ: عبد الحكيم عبد الله سعيد – مدرب لغة انجليزية تعز( قطاع التدريب –
المجلس البريطاني).
برعاية وزارة التربية والتعليم قطاع التدريب والتأهيل
وتمويل مشروع تطوير التعليم الأساسي والمجلس الثقافي البريطاني
اختتمت اليوم فعاليات الورش التدريبية لمدربي اللغة الإنجليزية في معظم محافظات
الجمهورية اليمنية 26 من كبار المدربين تم اختيارهم من قبل المجلس الثقافي
البريطاني ووزارة التربية والتعليم قطاع التدريب والتأهيل و الذين تم إبتعاثهم
لحضور الدورة التدريبية المكثفة بعنوان (برنامج تطوير مدربي اللغة الإنجليزية في
جمهورية مصر العربية, القاهرة والتي استمرت لمدة ستة أيام)بعدها بشهر ونصف تم
النزول الميداني لعدد 26 مدرب لتنفيذ الدورة
التدريبية على مدربي اللغة الإنجليزية في كافة محافظات الجمهورية والذين بلغوا
حوالي 285 مدربا .
تم تدشين الدورة يوم السبت الموافق 24/11/2012م واختتمت
في يوم الخميس الموافق 29/11/2012م محوريا, تركزت الدورة على أصول تدريس اللغة
الإنجليزية (تى.كي .تى ) بما فيها المهارات الأساسية مثل فقه اللغة مفردات اللفة
القراءة, الاستماع, التحدث الكتابة, وظائف اللغة , النحو والصرف.
خلال تنفيذ
الدورة التدريبية تدرب الـ 285 مدرب على كيفية استخدام المهارات الجديدة
والمعلومات والأفكار والمفاهيم والخبرات في تدريس اللغة الانجليزية بشكل جماعي
فعال ومثمر الذي سينعكس ايجابا على المدرسين في كافة انحاء الجمهورية بحيث يصل في
الاخير الى جوهر العملية التعليمية وهم طلاب المدارس.
وفي نهاية البرنامج التدريبي تم تسليم الشهادات
التكريمية لـ285 مدربا لمشاركتهم الفاعلة في هذه الدورة.
من جهة أخرى سيتم تنفيذ المرحلة الثالثة من هذا البرنامج
التدريبي بشكل مكثف في الربع الأول من شهر ديسمبر بحيث سيقوم 258 مدربا بتنفيذ 24
ورشة عمل من أساسيات تدريس اللغة الانجليزية ( تي, كي, تي) بواقع ورشتين تدريبيتين
في اليوم الواحد ولمدة 12 يوم من 8-20/12/2012
والذي يعول على هؤلاء المدربين الأمل بعد الله في تطبيق ما تم تدريبهم عليه
على مدرسي اللغة الانجليزية المرحلة الأساسية والذين بلغ عددهم اكثر من 9900 مدرس
من كل محافظات الجمهورية اليمنية, الأمر الذي لا بد إن ينعكس أداءا وتطبيقا على
جوهر العملية التعليمية وهم التلاميذ في كافة محافظات الجمهورية اليمنية, ويا حبذا
إن يقوم الـ26 من كبار المدربين على الإشراف في المرحلة
الثالثة أثناء تطبيقها من قبل 258 مدربا على ما يقارب من 9000 مدرس في الميدان ليتم إعطاء الدعم اللازم
والتغذية الراجعة الايجابية والجوانب التي تحتاج إلى تطوير لتلافي أي قصور أثناء
وفي الأخير كلمة شكر وعرفان لكل القائمين على هذا
البرنامج بمن فيهم وزارة التربية ومشروع تطوير التعليم الأساسي ممثلا بوزير التربية والتعليم د/ عبد الرزاق
الأشول, ووكيل قطاع التدريب والتأهيل د/ عبدالله لملس, ووكيل الوزارة لقطاع التوجيه
الأستاذ علي الحيمي , ومدير عام التدريب والتأهيل د/ محمد النجاشي, والمجلس الثقافي
البريطاني ممثلا بالسيد فتوي يوسف مدير المجلس البريطاني بالكويت والأستاذ نواف
شمسان مدير عام المجلس الثقافي البريطاني بالجمهورية اليمنية, ومديرة مشاريع اللغة
الانجليزية رجاء بازرعة ومساعدة المشروع هدى سليم ومنسق المجلس الثقافي البريطاني
والوزارة الأستاذ نجيب المقرمي.
ويعول الـ 26
مدربا من كبار المدربين على معالي سيادة وزير التربية و والتعليم بعد الله في
النظر إلى وضعهم الحالي ككبار مدربين و مازالوا مدرسين حتى هذه اللحظة الأمر الذي
يقتضي من د/ الأشول إصدار قرار باعتمادهم كموجهين ومدربين وهذا ليس بجديد على
هؤلاء بسبب تراكم الخبرات السابقة والأداء المتميز لهم ولهذا جاء الاختيار لهم ككبار
مدربين استحقاقا لهم بذلك عن جدارة وتميز.
Reported by two of the trainees in Ibb :
Mr. Mohammed Alhamadani.
Mr. Amin Ahmed Ali Naji Allahabi
Date : Nov 25 , 2012.
Trainer Development Program
Introductory Workshop 1
Subject : Reporting today's training sessions
The British Council with conjunction with the Ministry of Education , training and qualifying sector held an introductory workshop in the training hall , Ibb Educational Office.
It is the fourth training session in a series of daily developmental training aiming at preparing 27 of English language trainers in Ibb Governorate. Today's training was about Familiarization ,issues and Challenges. As usual , Mr. ACRAM AHMED MOHAMMED MOTHANA , explained well the main objectives of this training session. We all liked the way he presented the goals and outcomes to all of us. We covered six activities form B.C courses with Mr. Acram and related all our experiences to issues and difficulties in delivering B. C courses. We were exposed to different potential problems in carrying out communicative activities. Having fun during this extensive workshop was never neglected and we did a really good board game . Finally , we reflected on all the points we have cover in this session.
We had a break for half an hour and came back in time.
Making workshops effective was the second thing on the list. Mr. ABDULHAKIM ABDULLAH SAEED did a great job explaining its learning outcomes to all of us. Mr. Abdulkarim is really a well prepared master trainer and we came to know about this when the electricity was off in the midst of the training. He adopted a different techniques carrying out the rest of the training session using previously prepared posters. In this training session we identified factors that should be in place leading to an effective workshop. We analyzed problems and provided solutions to enable effective presentation of input and activities . We cover a wide range of activities and tasks aiming at assessing the advantages and disadvantages of techniques for setting up pairs and groups , discussing and ranking ideas for building rapport with trainees , discussed constructive and negative feedback effects on the trainees and learned many meaningful expressions used in a constructive feedback.
Names of Ibb Trainers :
Abdul Hakim Abdullah Ahmed Murshed
عبد الحكيم عبد الله أحمد
Hadi Saleh Al-zamari
هناء هادي صالح الظمري
Ahmed Ali Sanhan Mohammed
أحمد علي سنحان محمد
Basheer Saleh M. Al-Sanae
بشير صالح مسعد الصناعي
Abdul Malik Ahmed Abdullah
عبد الملك أحمد عبد الله
Abduh Ali Abduh Ad-duais
عبده علي عبده الدعيس
Abdul Ghani Ahmed Mohammed Ali
عبد الغني أحمد محمد علي
Nawaf Mosleh Mohsen
نواف مصلح محسن
Adnan Kaid Abdu Al-Gubahi
عدنان قائد عبده الجوبحي
Ahmed Hamoud Ali Moh. Atta
أحمد حمود علي محمد عطاء
Rashad Abdo Kayed Ali Alawesh
رشاد عبده قائد علي العوش
Mohammed Hussein M. Al-Hamdani
محمد حسين محمد الهمداني
Fuad Mohammed Hamoud Al-Warafi
فؤاد محمد حمود الورافي
Abduljabbar Hamoud Ahmed
عبد الجبار حمود أحمد
Waleed Hamoud Ahmed Shoshah
وليد حمود أحمد شوشه
Asma Ahmed Ahmed Assarrary
أسماء أحمد أحمد الصراري
Hayat Ebraheem Al-Kinaie
حياة أبراهيم الكينعي
Yaser Mohammed O.Al-qadri
ياسر محمد عمر القادري
Fuad Esmail Abdullah Alsabahi
فؤاد إسماعيل عبد الله
Nouradeen Moh. Qassim Shamsan
نور الدين محمد قاسم
Amin Ahmed Ali Naji Allahabi
أمين أحمد علي ناجي
Sadiq Ali Abdu Ghaleb
صادق علي عبده غالب
Mutaher Noaman Mosleh Al-Gamah
مطهر نعمان مصلح الجعمة
Ahmed Salem Abdullah Al-Alawi
أحمد سالم عبد الله
kamal Esmail Mohammed Al-Gurani
كمال إسماعيل محمد
26 Fatina Azooz Salam فاطنة عزوز سلام
Photo for trainers with trainees
Photo for trainers with trainees
First of all ,I would like to convey my thanks and gratitude to the Ministry of Education and to the British Council in Yemen for the great efforts that they are exerting in order to develop education in Yemen especially in the field of Teaching English Language . Secondly , I would like to express and convey my heartily thanks , deep gratitude and high appreciation for our great trainers Mr. Akram Mothana Haider and Mr. Abdulhakim Abdullah Saeed who carved our minds with precious golden ideas and concepts of knowledge , lighted our eyes with bright colorful lights of vision and filled our hearts with deep love , true sincerity , high conscientiousness and great devotion and many other good features to work and collaborate with each other as trainers and participants in the workshop and to do our best later when training the teachers of English in order to enhance , strengthen and develop the teaching process with the hope of improving the teaching-learning process as a whole and getting positive satisfactory outcomes .
In fact , those two great trainers have drawn a bright colorful picture of themselves and have formed a great team of creativity , and for me , they have become the main typical and ideal source of countless useful ways and ideas on which I will depend in my job from now on. They really have shown incomparable sincerity , devotion , politeness , modesty , respect , patience and many other good features which cannot be expressed just in words or even in a thick volume . Anyway , I wished the workshop had lasted for a long time in order to get more and more benefits and to be all the time with my respected trainers and with my dearest and most faithful colleagues whom I could never forget .
At last , I pray for Allah to help us do well in the field of both training and teaching and to make us meet again and again always and forever .
Basheer Al-Sanaei
First of all ,I would like to convey my thanks and gratitude to the Ministry of Education and to the British Council in Yemen for the great efforts that they are exerting in order to develop education in Yemen especially in the field of Teaching English Language . Secondly , I would like to express and convey my heartily thanks , deep gratitude and high appreciation for our great trainers Mr. Akram Mothana Haider and Mr. Abdulhakim Abdullah Saeed who carved our minds with precious golden ideas and concepts of knowledge , lighted our eyes with bright colorful lights of vision and filled our hearts with deep love , true sincerity , high conscientiousness and great devotion and many other good features to work and collaborate with each other as trainers and participants in the workshop and to do our best later when training the teachers of English in order to enhance , strengthen and develop the teaching process with the hope of improving the teaching-learning process as a whole and getting positive satisfactory outcomes .
In fact , those two great trainers have drawn a bright colorful picture of themselves and have formed a great team of creativity , and for me , they have become the main typical and ideal source of countless useful ways and ideas on which I will depend in my job from now on. They really have shown incomparable sincerity , devotion , politeness , modesty , respect , patience and many other good features which cannot be expressed just in words or even in a thick volume . Anyway , I wished the workshop had lasted for a long time in order to get more and more benefits and to be all the time with my respected trainers and with my dearest and most faithful colleagues whom I could never forget .
At last , I pray for Allah to help us do well in the field of both training and teaching and to make us meet again and again always and forever and I am so sorry for posting this comment again .
Basheer Al-Sanaei
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